The Day of the Great War

23 min read

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I'm going to describe everything that had to do with the war before and after it. Please keep that in mind x'D prepare for some reading LOL There was a lot of information

This war did not happen 2000 years ago.
This war did not happen 500 years into the future.
This war happened in today's time,
and its beginning has been stirring and no one of the breed had noticed.
Except for one.

Christian Blood; the founding mare, the first, the mother of Bloodlines, she is known by many names. Every Bloodline knows her like they know the Angel is the Goddess and Rio de Franchesco is Satan in the Underrealm. They know her story, they know her children. Some hate her, some love her. She sees things that nobody else sees, and that's how the tides had changed.

Bloodlines surround Christian in her herd along with family, and she knows what they act like, she knows their personalities inside and out, so when things seem off, she knows. Over time, after her son Revv had been born and was grown a few years, during the summer one year, she noticed that some of the horses had started to act strange in the herd. And it wasn't everyone... it was those who had a shining cross laid upon their bodies.

Destiny, Christian daughter sired by El Torando, has always been a sweet mare, no matter what her circumstance. Even when her mate and child had left her, she always tried to find the bright side of the situation. But Christian Blood was noticing that her daughter's mood weren't what they were meant to be. They were darkening. She would growl at the small things that would annoy her, like pulling up dirt when she grazed, or tripping over a root. Instead of laughing it off like she usually did, Destiny would stomp a hoof and grumble at the root as if it was real.

Christian Blood took a closer look at the herd members, and she realized that everyone that had a shining cross was starting to get more irritable as time went on. It happened not in a few months, but in a few days and no more than a few weeks. Her children like Destiny, Adriana and Gladiator, Enrique, along with the adult herd members were getting mad and irritated at everything. She had to stop multiple conflicts in the herd because of it.  Much to her surprise, all those under the age of 1 year who had the shining cross did not act this way. They were just as confused as to why their parents were mad as Christian was, along with the mates of those who were getting worse.

It wasn't just Christian Blood's herd that was having this problem. Bloodlines everywhere who had the shining cross were getting more irritable. If they had bad personalities, they just got worse and worse. Children were confused as to why their parents hit them, or why their mothers refused to let them nurse because they hated the feeling after a while. It was getting out of hand as herd leaders were getting annoyed and kicking out those who caused problems. Daemon could see it in his mate's eyes that something was wrong, she was getting worse as well.

Christian consulted a scholar mare that watched over the valley. She was the elder, who knew things that were going to happen, and when. The elder mare told her this; "The Darkness grows, the light is fading. Prepare for a day of shadow." Confused, Christian paid the old hag no mind and just went back to her herd.

Poor Christian didn't realize, nor did many others, that a mile or away so hidden in the trees, there was a tear in a portal. The day that the Angel had closed all of the portals, one of them had been broken, and so, in the middle of the air, there was a small tear in which someone could look into it and see inside the throne room of Rio de Franchesco. And each day, a crack grew on the hole, making it weaker and bigger, slowly but surely. Nobody knew that Rio was the cause for all the irritable Bloodlines.

He was controlling those who had a shining cross while laying patiently in his throne room with his whores.

Even those who were in the Underrealm were getting worse. Newborn and older foals were being killed when they annoyed their mothers, and many others were losing their lives after losing a fight. All but one Bloodline was under Rio's curse. El Torando hid inside a small cave down there filled with crystals of a million kinds. He created spells and potions and necklaces and other jewels to use in combat or just in every day life. He could sense Rio's plans and he knew what was going on. He watched as foals died and some of his own children down here died from lack of fighting skills. He had to think of something to help, so, behind Rio's back, Torando was trying to create spells and enchantments that would help defeat what was going to come.

Then it happened.

Christian Blood had unknowingly led her herd a bit closer to the breaking portal, and she looked up to the sky to see that the moon was coming a bit close to the sun that day. The elder's words rang through her head, "Prepare for a day of shadow." She remembered the herd members' attitudes and she watched as the moon drew closer to the sun, the herd members started to disappear. They would wander off alone away from the herd, unknowing to her, going towards the portal that was starting to get weak and open more. Christian also noticed that other Bloodlines from across the land were showing up and then suddenly disappearing into the woods.

El Torando still worked hard on the potions, trying to figure out a solution, but a blast from one of his experiments that had gone wrong allowed the portal to open a great amount. Rio was pleased... his plan was ready. He gathered all of the Bloodlines that had shining crosses and lined them up in many rows in front of the broken portal to prepare for his revenge. Those who were outside the portal showed up together, their crosses and hooves glowing brightly as their Master called them.

As the herd started to disappear, Christian grabbed her mech children Data and Revv and ordered them to take the remaining foals and pregnant mares away from the herd to somewhere hidden. A bad feeling hung inside her heart, along with those around her. Everyone who had not been affected knew that something was happening. As the day drug slowly on and the moon got closer to covering the sun, unaffected Bloodlines from across the land started to show up in Christian's territory, going to her because they had the same feeling she did.

Hundreds of Bloodlines had disappeared, but hundreds had shown up to her herd. Those she had never met before, and those she had, showed up and were worried. Many of them weren't ready for what was going to happen, but Christian Blood had dealt with Rio's antics before, and she knew that he had something to do with this. Everyone followed Christian's words. Those who were too young or pregnant, would go with Data and Revv. Some of the best fighters from each group that came would go with those from their herd that were too weak or too old to fight and they would hide. Christian's father Slipstreak joined the army, and much to Christian's displeasure, he stayed near the front.

Suddenly, a flash of images swarmed through the minds of those who had showed up. The Angel's face appeared, and then images of all of the hundreds of Bloodlines that were showing up at the weakening portal ready to burst, and then Rio's sneering face inside, hiding behind the many bodies of the Demons that waited at the portal. Nobody but Christian knew what was going on. They were going to have a war on their hooves.

She ordered the best fighters to step up first, then those under them behind, and then so on. She thought about her children that had been taken by Rio and she would hate to have them killed in the fight, but if this war was going to last very long, she would have to do what she had to do...

A loud shudder shook the land. Everyone looked up to see the sun was starting to disappear behind the moon. Christian prepared everyone and had everyone pause and pray to their beloved Angel for help, strength, and guidance. Finally, the sun disappeared, and darkness took over the land. No light was seen, no shadows from the trees... only darkness. Christian thanked the Angel for their ability to see well in the dark. Other horse breeds would be completely lost in this kind of day.

A loud boom shook the earth. The portal was rammed by the first row of Demons inside the portal. The opening shook and cracked more. Another boom and the portal cracked and opened. With one strong heave, the Demon destroyed the portal and started to run out by the dozens towards the herd, their shining crosses becoming the only light in the land. Those who were summoned by Rio on this plain followed behind the almost one hundred Demons towards where Christian and her army were waiting.

She knew they were coming when the third boom hit and the ground shook with thundering hooves. She cried out to the Angel once more along with those who were still adjusting their eyes. The light from the crosses were their only sign of the approach. When the Demons and other Bloodlines appeared, they charged. Rio's voice boomed through the land, roaring, "Destory them all!!"

Demon on half-demon, mother on child, sister on brother, father on son, mate on mate, the two armies clashed. Bodies slammed together as the fighting began. Fangs sank into flesh, bodies crushed under those who were trampled, manes being tugged and pulled out of their necks, and bones crushed under the mass of bodies. Every Bloodline that ever lived, besides the pregnant, old, or young, were in this war.

Bodies fell, others fled, only to be taken down by a shining cross. Christian Blood used the venom in her fangs to kill many. She kept her eye on her children that she was fighting against, and even though she didn't want to, she would shove those who were about to fight them away, and her children would attack her, and she would only knock them out. Screams of pain were heard everywhere and some were silenced with the smash of a diamond-hard hoof, never to be heard again. Some tried not to fight those they knew, family or not, but if they didn't fight, they died.

Down below, Torando  tested one last crystal that he had made on a stray Demon that hadn't made its way to the portal. This demon was Morgan, the purple crossed mare. He stabbed Morgan in her cross with the crystal, and after her shout of pain, the crystal had turned black, and Morgan stopped. He had forgotten why she was so mad or why she was in such a hurry. Torando had did it. He found the cure. He frantically threw the used crystal into the fire pit and created as many crystals as he could. Morgan helped him as much as she could by carrying as many as she could and he showed her what to do. The two of them galloped towards the largly opened portal pretending they were under Rio's spell still and went to the fight.

Christian managed to get away from the fighting and saw the portal. She saw Torando and Morgan coming out together and she called them to the side, kicking a horse that came at her in the face, shattering his skull. Torando showed her the crystals and gave it to her to try on her child. Christian knew he meant for her to do it to Destiny, so she found her fighting her brother Diego and Christian prayed for forgiveness as she stabbed Destiny in the cross. The mare stopped fighting Diego and looked at her mother with a confused look on her face. Relieved and crying, Christian gave the used crystal to Torando. Destiny turned with Diego and took some crystals from her father and went to find her family.

Torando warned Christian that Rio was the cause, he was controlling them, and he had to be stopped in order for the fighting to end. Even in the darkness, Christian could see the worry in his red eyes. She knew that if she entered that portal, one of them wasn't going to come out alive, and in her heart she knew it wouldn't be her. Her children all suddenly showed up, those who were affected and those who weren't. Christian cried and embraced them all, but she knew what she had to do.

Christian told her children, and they all protested, especially Adriana and Enrique, but she made them go back and help the herd. After she looked at the war going on, she realized that the unaffected were winning, but not by much. Rio was making the Demons stronger with his own angry power. Giving Torando one last look, the mare stepped into the portal. Rio and her were the only ones there.

Rio laughed at her and told her how pathetic she was, and Christian leaped at him. He pushed her away and she fell back, almost falling through the portal. Rio stepped down from his throne and Christian attacked him again, but this time, she used her agile body and managed to sink her fangs into him a few times, but it did not deter him. Finally, Rio kicked Christian in the head and knocked her against the wall. She collapsed, dazed and Rio stood over her. "Time to end this once and for all," he growled as he raised his red hoof to smash her head in. Christian shut her eyes and prepared, praying to the Angel one last time...

But the blow never came. Christian opened her eyes to see nothing but white. She lifted herself up and saw the Angel standing behind her. Enraged, Christian went at the Angel, demanding to know why this had all happened and why she had died again. But upon getting closer, Christian Blood noticed how tired and drained the mare looked. The Angel's mane was dead and greasy, her eyes were saggy and dark, her body thin from exhaustion. Christian Blood soon stopped her words and begged for a forgiving word.

The Angel didn't pay her no mind. She only smiled. Christian asked her Goddess what had happened to such a beautiful mare. The Angel took a deep breath. Ever since she had closed the portals years ago, she had to use her own energy to keep them closed. Slowly it started to drain her, and Rio was waiting for the day her energy was gone. He waited patiently for all those years until he started to make a move on the weakest portal. She knew what was going to happen, and she was so weak trying to keep that portal closed when it was opened, that she used the last of her energy to summon Christian up here.

Confused, Christian looked at her Goddess like she was insane. The Angel continued and said to Christian that she has never found anyone more worthy than Christian Blood to take over her position. Christian's mind was buzzing when she stuttered "Why". The Angel told her again that she has never sacrificed more than any of the other Bloodlines, and that was something that the Angel admired.

Christian Blood would be taking the Angel's place.

At this point, Christian had so many questions, but seeing the exhausted look on the Angel's face, Christian only took a deep breath to relax herself and only gave a nod. She would accept this roll. The Angel walked up to Christian and nuzzled her gently, thanking her. Stepping back, Christian watched as the shining purple blood started to drip from the Angel's dull coat. Tears fell from Christian's eyes when she realized her Goddess was dying. She started to protest again, but the Angel said, "My time is over, but yours has only begun, my daughter. Use it wisely, there is much to learn, but it will come to you in time. Do not cry for me, for the world is in good hooves"

The blood dripped and fell onto the white ground under Christian's feet and started to slither towards her. slightly scared bt not willing to step away, the purple blood stayed on the ground under her own feet, but the shine that came from it crawled up her legs and made it's way to her legs, her back, and her face until all of her red markings, including her diamond-shaped ones. The purple blood that lay at her feet was dull.

Suddenly, wings slid out from Christian's sides, flapping as they stretched and relaxed. Her eyes filled with tears more and she looked over at the Angel. The mare's blood was now black... her body was more dull than it was before. But then the Angel bowed to Christian and her body started to come apart like ashes flying from a fire. The Angel's body soon disappeared and Christian was left alone.

After she blinked, Christian suddenly was surrounded by those who had died in the past and in the war. And every once in a while a new one would appear. Looking forward, Christian saw her mother Crystelle and... her father ... They looked at her proudly and the mare burst into tears, running to them. They told her how proud they were of her as they embraced her, and Christian told them she could bring them back now, but they both decided they would stay. They were together now...

A voice behind Christian Blood made her cry more as she turned and embraced her old mate Hectar. He was proud of her just as much. She begged for him to come back, but he told her that in order for that to happen, someone else had to die to take his place. The mare's thoughts immediately went back to Rio's chamber. If he died, she would be able to bring everyone back. He was worth every Bloodline's life. Hectar smiled and stepped back.

Christian shut her eyes once more, and when she opened them again, she was under Rio's falling hoof, like time had stopped. But when his hoof landed on her, she felt nothing and only heard a roar from Rio as he flew backwards, slamming into his throne and destroying it. Christian Blood stood up, her wings open and her markings shining brightly. Looking at Rio as he stood, she noticed that his unbreakable hoof had an extremely large crack in it. He limped at her and roared but Christian only stomped a hoof and he flew back.

A large cracking sound was heard and she watched as the crack from Rio's hoof started to crawl up his leg and spread across his body. "N-no!! THATS IMPOSSIBLE!" he roared, trying to stand. "I CANNOT BE DEFEEATED!! I AM THE DARK!!" Light shone through the cracks in his body and Christian stood over him with a dark expression on her face as his body exploded and there was nothing left of him.

As Rio's body disappeared, every single horse that was fighting stopped. Anyone who had a grip on another let each other go and they all stood there in the valley as the sun started to come out from behind the moon. Christian spat on the spot where Rio once stood and used her new wings to fly out into the valley. Every single horse that was still alive looked up to see her fly high above them and she whinnied as she elegantly landed in the middle of the horses.

Her children were first to see her as she landed. When she did, with one look at her, every single one of her children bowed to her. After that, slowly, every horse in the valley, Demon and non demon were bowing to their new Goddess. Christian's markings shone brightly in the newly discovered sun. The bodies of those who had died or were still injured suddenly stirred with life as Christian prayed and healed every single one of them, and brought the souls back to all of them.

And finally, much to her happiness and crying, Hectar was one of those who came out. The two embraced and went to meet up with all of her children. Rudy and his father embraced for the first time. Christian looked at all the Demons as they helped those who had been hurt. The curse that Rio had on the Demons was lifted, and even now, the dark personalities of the Demons was gone. They were just like any other Bloodline now. Christian went up to the group of them and welcomed them into the valley.

The Demons were forever grateful and apologized to her and to those around her for the way they had been. As the sun set at the end of the day, everyone who had died was given new life, and those who were injured had been healed by Christian herself. The Bloodlines all mingled and Christian watched over them all with her old mate by her side once again.

The Bloodlines were finally living as one.

CSS by UszatyArbuz
Art by MasterKhepri
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